Demand Response for Your Home
Demand Response Programs
夏季高温会增加对能源的总体需求. 需求响应计划是为住宅用户设计的一种方式,帮助他们管理社区所需的电力需求或电量.
当你参与需求响应计划并减少你的能源使用, 你在帮助减轻电网的压力——这可以避免停电,维持一个可靠的电网. 通过帮助推迟或减少建设新发电厂和输电基础设施的需求,您还可以使环境受益. And best of all, you can earn financial rewards.
Demand Response Programs from SDG&E
Sign up for a Demand Response program with SDG&E, or choose to participate with a third-party provider.
Demand Response Programs from Third-Party Providers
Under Electric Rule 32, 您可以选择参加第三方需求响应提供商提供的需求响应计划.
Save energy. Get paid. 加入OhmConnect的免费服务,每周为节约能源赚取报酬. Receive text or email notifications when it’s time to save, 并连接智能设备,使您的OhmConnect体验完全自动化.
Provider Type: Commercial/Residential
Enel X
Enel X JuiceBox电动汽车充电器用户可以通过智能充电获得现金. Maximize the use of cleaner, 更便宜的电力,并通过Enel X的JuicePoints计划为所有人提供更可靠的电网.
Provider Type: Residential
以上链接为第三方赞助的网站或电子服务,与SDG无关&E. SDG&E显示指向第三方赞助的网站或电子服务的链接. SDG&E不对通过该等链接或内容到达的第三方网站或电子服务的内容或运营负责, and the presence of such links or content does not imply SDG&E endorses or is affiliated with such third-party websites, services or third parties, or any services or products they offer. The third parties, and not SDG&E, are solely responsible for any advertisements, opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, data, information, content, 或该等第三方明示或提供的其他材料, including the description of third-party services on this page.
Looking for More Ways to Save?
Check out our energy-saving tips.
Know the Details of Your Pricing Plan
随着夏季气温的升高,回顾一下你的定价计划,了解什么时候应该节约或转移能源使用. If your pricing plan includes Reduce Your Use event days, prepare for on-peak and event-day hours (4-9 p.m.) to reduce your energy use when an activation is called.
When an RYU or CPP event day is called, 参加其中一项计划的客户将被要求在下午4点之间节约能源.m. to 9 p.m. Customers who can meet “program-specific” criteria can receive financial incentives; however, if the criteria are not met, 顾客在这几天要支付的利率要高得多.
每个季节都要查看您的联系信息,以确认您家中正确的人已注册接收可持续发展目标的通知和警报&E when event days occur. First sign into 点击右上角的个人资料名称,然后选择“通知设置”.” Under “Billing and Accounts” updates, 选择您的通信首选项以及您希望接收的通知. SDG&E的主页还包含通知,指示哪些程序的活动日已被激活.
Auto Demand Response 使用技术支持的设备和控制,帮助简化能源管理,并允许企业自动参与需求响应计划. 如果你正在寻找一个专门研究汽车需求响应的项目,请查看 Technology Incentives Program, which is available to our business customers.
Demand Response is a call for conservation, issued by SDG&E, 这可以为那些自愿在高需求时期减少或转移能源使用的客户提供经济激励,以响应基于时间的费率.
Flex Alerts are statewide calls to all customers by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) for voluntary energy conservation. Flex警报可以在热浪来袭时触发,此时需要消耗更多的能量来保持凉爽. Sign up to receive Flex Alert Notifications.
当当地需要节约能源时,就会举行“减少使用日”活动. 参加“使用时间+”定价计划的客户可以自愿在某些日子减少或转移用电量,并因满足“特定计划”的“减少使用”标准而获得经济奖励. If the criteria is not met, there may be penalties.
A Public Safety Power Shut Off (PSPS) is called by SDG&E during extreme weather or wildfire conditions. 为了保证社区安全,可能需要关闭电源.