备用发电机在停电时是很有价值的东西. Find out whether you need one for your home, 如何选购合适的发电机并正确使用,以避免危及您和家人的安全.
便携式发电机 are designed to provide temporary power for basic needs. They can range in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $1,000. 在第一次运行之前,确定您需要的发电机大小以及如何安全操作是非常重要的.
永久备用发电机 如果尺寸合适,是否更大、装备更好,可以为更大的结构提供动力,比如整个家庭. 当停电发生时,它们自动打开,并在电源恢复时关闭. These generators require professional installation from a licensed electrician.
停电随时可能发生,有时会持续几个小时或几天. A backup generator is your own personal electrical power source.
Backup generators aren’t for everyone. 他们跑步的时候会很吵, 昂贵的, 需要定期维护, and can result in safety hazards if used improperly. Keep this in mind alongside your electric needs.
如果你符合下面列出的标准,考虑为你的家买一个备用发电机. 不要等到紧急情况发生才确定你是否依赖稳定的电力供应.
- 医疗需求
Are you dependent on electricity for a medical device, 比如辅助技术, 呼吸机, 电动轮椅或滑板车, 家庭吸氧或透析? Do your medicines have to be refrigerated?
- 安全
Planned and unplanned power outages happen often. Do you live in an area with frequent or lengthy power outages? What about a high-risk climate area? Some communities are more vulnerable to weather-related outages
- 安慰
The decision to purchase a generator is entirely personal in some cases. Are your children afraid of the dark? 你可能不想因为停电而给自己带来不便,而为了给家庭带来舒适,你可以继续使用必需品.
- 能源需求
How many appliances will you want to run in a power outage? 它们是什么样的电器啊? 小或大? Are there any older people in your home who use a stairlift? 你会计算出你需要多少电力,通过增加你需要的每一个项目的瓦特数.
- 燃料来源
- 安装
Consider whether you need a portable generator or a standby generator. Does your backup generator need to be easily moved around? A portable generator may be for you. 另一方面,当灯变暗时,备用发电机将在几秒钟内启动. 备用发电机需要由持证电工安装.
- 与有执照的电工一起工作. 专业人士会确保本地化, 状态, 在安装发电机时,应遵守国家规定,确保发电机正常工作,以便在需要时供电.
- Store your generator outside in a dry location.
- Avoid running your generator in the rain. Make sure it’s covered properly and well ventilated.
- Never plug your generator into any electric outlet in your home or business. This is known as back-feeding and it can be extremely dangerous for you, 你的邻居, and utility workers that may be working on power lines.
- 阅读所有制造商说明. 确保你理解它们,并按照所有指示正确地“接地”你的便携式发电机.
- 在加油前至少关闭燃气发电机5分钟,让它冷却,避免火灾的危险.
- Keep extension cords out of the way so they don’t present a tripping hazard.
- If you’re using a gas-powered generator, stock up on extra gasoline and store it in a cool, 通风良好的地方——最好是在你的家或公司外面,远离热源.
- 总是在离你的家或公司至少20英尺的地方运行你的发电机,并确保排气的方向远离你的位置.
- Ensure the electric load never exceeds the manufacturer’s rating.
- Never refuel a generator while it is running or hot.
- Periodically run the generator to ensure it will start and run properly.
- Know how to shut off the generator in case of emergency.
- 始终在发电机附近放置一个充满电的、经批准的灭火器.
- Keep children and pets away from generators at all times to avoid injury.
- 仅在水平表面和不会暴露在过度潮湿的地方操作发电机, 污垢, 灰尘或腐蚀性气体.
- 运行时,发电机四周至少要有5英尺的间隙.
- 不要把油箱加满. Always allow room for fuel expansion.
- 不要在燃料或发电机附近吸烟.
- 建议您按照制造商的说明/建议在室内安装电池供电的一氧化碳报警器/探测器.
- 便携式发电站就像一个普通的家用插座,应该像你家里的任何插座一样小心使用.
- 阅读所有制造商说明. 在操作任何便携式电池之前,请确保您了解它们并遵循所有使用和安全说明.
- 注意所有输入/输出连接和延长线的额定值,以避免火灾或触电.
- Use in a ventilated area and do not obstruct fan openings on unit. Power supplies will get hot when in use.
- 不要插入可能会迅速耗尽甚至损坏电池的高使用量设备.g. portable heaters, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, etc.).
- 使用后不立即充电. 等待设备冷却.
- Avoid contact with liquids of any kind. Do not operate in wet conditions such as rain or high humidity. 保持设备清洁干燥.
- Do not insert foreign objects into outputs or ventilation.
- 不要掩饰, 皮尔斯, 否则会损坏发电站或电池,因为这可能会使保修无效,并可能导致它们着火或爆炸.
- 符合当地, 州和联邦法规,并联系当地电池回收中心进行妥善处理.
- Do not run extension cords under rugs, carpets or doors where heat can be generated, 否则可能损坏脐带.
- 确保更换电池和充电器的设计和使用符合特定设备的要求, and purchase from the device’s manufacturer or an authorized reseller.
- 当锂动力设备和电池充满电时,将它们从充电器中取出.
西班牙&E is committed to helping customers, especially those in the high threat fire district (HFTD), in the event of a Public 安全 Power Shutoff (PSPS). 西班牙&E为符合条件的客户提供备用电源解决方案,可以在PSPS停电期间帮助您的家庭供电.
西班牙&E wants to help you prepare for PSPS events and other outages. 心中有你, 我们开发了一系列简短的问题,以帮助确保您在停电期间的恢复能力. 我们的 个性化弹性资源 包括紧急 & 车辆供应清单、当地社区材料以及备用电源解决方案的信息. 您还将有机会向我们反馈您的其他需求以及可持续发展目标如何实现&E can help you prepare for emergency planning.
- 你必须有一个积极的可持续发展目标&E帐户.
- 您必须居住在2级或3级高火灾威胁区域,由CPUC在 HFTD地图.
- You must have experienced a PSPS event in the past 3 years.
- Selected portable generator must be on the 西班牙&E合格产品清单.
Interested customers who meet eligibility requirements can 点击这里了解更多.